Thursday, August 17, 2006

Man to Animal


José Leite said...

"Man and animal"! in my blog! See anda coment !...

joshua said...

Ei, Noushad, I can teach you some portuguese, if you like.

I = eu

think = penso

that = que

your = o teu

blog = blogue

is = é

a lot = muito (muinhto)

interesting = interessante.

What ever you want to learn of my language, just ask me for I'll be happy to explain everything to you.

Thanks for visiting me.:)

High Power Rocketry said...

Wow these look hard!

Joshua, you say a blog is Very interesting, not a lot. Muy = muito = very?

Anonymous said...

hey thanks for the comment :) I will keep posting my pictures :)


High Power Rocketry said...

Rain droppps keep falling on my head!

Butchie said...

That morph freaked me out. I'm trippin balls, dude!!!

Deepak Gopi said...

Nice morphing you have the talent.

Senor Cheeseburger said...

You've got the touch... you've got the POWER!